
At the main bar of the wooden ceiling in the bedroom of the garden apartment the engraved year 1789 can be read. The former owner was then commonly known as Franz Pichlbauer resp. Machl. It can be assumed however, that since the late middle Ages on the site of the present building a so-called "Mahelstube" was situated. Mahel in Middle High German means court facility, meeting place, residential space.

But it also meant something to fix or repair. In the local dialect we today say, "the machelt / machöt is, in his Ma (c) höstatt" - in his work shop! Probably there has been a place here that was required to prepare tools needed for timber rafting and for wood processing.

From the year 1892 there is a plan to build a second floor on top of the single ground floor by then. Until 1913 the Machlwebergut remained in the ownership of family Pichlbauer. A historic charcoal drawing is showing the house in the year 1918.

In 1914 the house was aquired by Adolf Fischer, a confectioner, who in 1924 filed a plan for the "cultivation of a salon." The establishment of the annex was finished around 1925.
Among the guests at that time also there was the famous writer Friedrich Torberg, who immortalized the Cafe Fischer during his emigration to America within a poem (german).

The cafe on the ground floor with a jukebox and a large dance hall at the first floor for many Altaussee inhabitants is in childhood memory up to now.
In June 2007 the Cafe Fischer closed down because of the confectioner Josef Altenberg a nephew of Mary Fischer retired.

From 2009 to 2011 we fundamentally renovated the house, it is now used by our large family and our guests.